Thursday, May 29, 2008

A Fond Farewell

It's been a while since I last blogged....
i have been busy studying for my final exam and packing up my things. I studied like crazy for the final and I think I actually did ok. Tomorrow is the last day in my apartment and it has finally hit me that my time here is almost up. Luckily, I have two more weeks in Europe before I come home. Patricia is here visiting and we are going to Switzerland for a few days then back to Paris until the 11th of June. It would be impossible to summarize my time here, so much happened, so many memories, it's all too much. Paris was more than I dreamed it could be and I hope this isn't my final goodbye to this city. I can't actually imagine what its going to be like when I go home...

Monday, May 5, 2008


I have uploaded all of my pictures from Spain and Italy.. ENJOY

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I am back in Paris after a beautiful vacation in Spain and Italy! I had such an amazing time and have a lot to dish but it will have to wait another the meantime, here are a few pics:

Gaudi Rooftop in Barcelona

At the Colosseum
