Candida and I had a lackluster day and decided to go down to the latin quarter and walk around. We weren't particularly hungry but we ran into this little mexican restaurant tucked in between a little alley. They had nachos on the menu and we were swayed inside. We ordered the 'super nachos' which consisted of 5 DORRITO chips, and some other unmentionable ingredients. I just wanted some tortilla chips with cheeese! I know, i know, we are in Paris what should we expect, but come on, dorritos? It was actually quite funny, from here on out it's ham and cheese baguettes!
Also today:
i did my laundry.

dude check this place out, supposed to have american and tex/mex groceries. refried beans and tortillas!!!
Boo! Thanksgiving was a total rip-off! Except that we got some great beans and tortillas from there.
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