London was absolutely amazing, I am in love. One weekend was not enough. We left Paris early Friday morning, I was so excited to get away for the weekend. I was in dire need of anglophones, it was really nice to be surrounded by english speakers for a change. Although i love Paris it is difficult to constantly try to think and speak in another language.
What was so amazing about this trip was that everything seemed to be working for us, we had the best luck this weekend. We arrived at our hostel and decided to walk around the city. We walked through Hyde Park...it was actually sunny on Friday...and headed towards Buckingham Palace. We walked up to Buckham Palace during the changing of the guards. We continued walking until we found Big Ben, and I proceeded to take about 40 pictures of Big Ben. By this time we were starving and decided to go on a hunt for fish and chips (for me) and bangers and mash for Candida. ----I have to preface this by saying that this was a weekend of gluttony, I don't think i ate anything that was not fried this weekend----After lunch we grabbed coffee at Starbucks (ok, i know, but 1) It is virtually impossible to get coffee to go in Paris. 2) I refuse to go to Starbucks in a land full of cafes. Anyways, we made our way to the London Eye, a huge modern ferris wheel that overlooks the city.
On Saturday we had every intention to be proper global citizens but ended up at Topshop for 3 or 4 hours. Later that night we found a club/bar in the West End. It was perfect. Mix of soul from the 60's (english do it best), electro, britpop, and a bunch of other goodies. We danced a lot that night. Sunday was our last day and we went to the Tate Modern Museum. We lucked out because sundays are free AND the was also a temporary exhibition with one of my favorite artists, Marcel Duchamp. Ahhh, it was amazing.
I love London.
Here is a link to my pictures:
That's right! London is English Country.
It's must be so~~~~~nice to be in London.I feel it.
Since hearing about you miss having Mexican food, Ted and I was gone to
Don Jose at Tustin last night.
using coupon one dinner for free.
I order as always,Seafood Enchilada.
Ted order Humbarber.
I felt same way when I came to America,
my brain is useing Japanese and English.
Isn't so nice to speak english.
I understand!
i wish...i was in london or in paris with you or in tustin with mom!
Candice, are you sure?
You want to come to Tustin? hahaha...
I want to come to see you in Berkeley.
go to Kilala?
By Christy's Apt, there is Kilala place.
I show in map.
Now, I know little bits of rue and st.
street in Paris.(^^)
mom, you are too cute! : )
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